Please Follow the Procedure Below to get started with Link Retarget:- 

(Available for Leadlock Diamond Customers only)

1) Go to Link Retarget option

2) Click on Add New Url button

3) Retargeting Audience pop up will be appear on screen

4) Enter Name for Retargeting audience 

5) Paste your facebook pixel code in retargeting pixel code field

6) If you don't have facebook pixel code then ,Click on Generate Pixel Code Link 

7) When you click on Generate Pixel code link then page will be redirect to facebook ,Login with your facebook details

8) Add manger page will be display

9) Select any Audience , In top, In Action drop down list, Click On Get pixel code option

10) View pixel base code pop up window displayed on which you will get pixel code, copy that code and paste in pixel code field

11) This pixel code will be added in your Div tag